
Author Spotlight

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)
Famous for his poems and novels, Stevenson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, to parents Thomas and Margaret Stevenson and was christened Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson. He began writing as a child and was encouraged in it by his father; his first work was published when he was sixteen, and was a chronicle of the Scottish Covenanters. He went to the University of Edinburgh when he was seventeen, but did poorly at his studies and in his work as an engineer. His vacations were spent in traveling through England on engineering tours, gathering information for his stories as he went. He rejected Christianity in this time and never changed in that regard. In 1880 he married Fanny V. Osbourne, a divorcee with two children; three years later Stevenson published his most well-known novel, "Treasure Island." He continued writing and publishing more novels throughout the rest of his life despite his almost constant ill-health, and also traveled extensively in hopes that new climates would help his sickness. He at last settled with his family on the island of Samoa in 1890 and lived there for the last four years of his life.

Books by Robert Louis Stevenson

Book Fun Values Age
The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson Good Warning 13+
DAvid Balfour by Robert Louis Stevenson Good Take Care 13+
Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson Great Take Care 13+
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Great Take Care 13+
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